Legal notice
Legal information regarding the companies presented in the website
This website is operated by Terrasol on behalf of ArcelorMittal Commercial RPS.
Terrasol S.à r.l. 42/52 quai de la Rapée 75583 Paris Cedex 12 Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris : B 722 017 290 |
ArcelorMittal Commercial RPS S.à r.l. 66, rue de Luxembourg L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette Trade register / Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés : Luxembourg B 27.031 |
Discharge of guarantee and responsibility
Terrasol makes no representation or warranties about the exactitude or reliability of the information contained in this site, particularly information of a financial nature. All items and/or information contained in this site are provided for general information purposes only and may not be interpreted as a basis for any kind of transaction, in any case whatsoever.
The reproduction and use of any documents, information or items contained within the site is permitted for strictly personal and private purposes only, on condition that the user specifies the source.
The user retains full and sole responsibility for the use made of any information and/or items contained within the site. In no event will Terrasol be liable for any damage of whatever kind, either direct or indirect, without limitation, arising from or in connection with the availability or non-availability of the site and the use of the items/information contained within it.
The site is liable to modification and or development at any time, without prior notice and Terrasol provides no guarantees whatsoever regarding uninterrupted site availability, website security or the absence of viruses.
Personal information of the kind required to establish the identity of a person only, generally speaking the surname, first name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address, provided by visitors to the site, may be collected by Terrasol via the on-line forms contained in the site.
The personal information transmitted via the site or by submitting electronic mail messages will be considered non-confidential.
Under the terms of the French law on data-processing and individual liberties « Informatique et Libertés » n°78-17 of January 6th 1978, you have the right to obtain access to any personally identifiable information we may hold on you and to modify or delete it at any time. For this purpose, please address a written request by e-mail to info.terrasol(a)
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