What are the minimum hardware requirements for AMRetain ?
AMRetain program works on any computer equipped at least with:
- 2 Gb RAM ;
- A screen device with resolution 1280x720 pixels ;
- Microsoft® Windows® 7/8/10, 32 or 64 bits ;
- 500 Mb available hard disk space.
The installation of AMRetain fails. What could be the reason ?
- The user should be connected on his computer in « administrator » mode in order to be able to perform AMRetain installation.
- An Internet connection is required in order to activate the AMRetain license. In case your system is protected with a firewall or proxy, please make sure that port 443 is open.
- The user should have full control (read, write, etc) on AMRetain installation directory and of course also on the working directory (where AMRetain project files are saved). Otherwise, AMRetain will not work properly.
Is an Internet connection required when using AMRetain ?
- An Internet connection is not compulsory when using AMRetain. However, AMRetain is provided with an updater tool, and it is advised to use it with an Internet connection from time to time in order to get the latest updates through this updater tool.